Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A Z1jew Creature, Pbat. you mull know, this is the nature ofthe burthen of Chriffs Commandements which he cals a burthen,the more you beare ir, the lighter it is, and there is good reafon for it, becaufe indeed it is not a burthen to the new man, but a delight, though to the flefh it is a but- then, the longer you beare ir, the better it is : If you reckon it a burchen, as it feemes to be at the beginning; yet remember it, as phy lick is aburthen to a lick man you know a fick man reckons iii burthen to take Phy_ fick, and eat wholefome meatk. but it is that that takes away the difeafe: So is godlinefl'e, it is a burthen as phy Fick is,andas wholefome diet is,but it partly heals, and partly flrengthens : therefore the longer you goe in his wayes, the leffeburthenfome they will be, the difeafe will be taken away : as the more phy lick and wholefome meat, themore the difeafe is weakned, and the man ítrengthened. This deceivésus Land take heed of being deceived) we thinke we muff be tied from drinke, and have the Dropfie ftill,and have our Feaver ítill, we thinke we mull eat wholefome meats, and be Lick ftill,it is impoffible it fhöuld be fo, you muff know therefore, that the Dropf e is healed, and then what if abftinence be commanded e You muff know that tick neffe is cured, and health is come in the roome; then what matter is it, if you are bound to there duties e They are burthenfome b:fore, they will not be now. Therefore be not difcouraged, the infolence, the un- couthneffe, the unaccuftomedneffe of a thing makes it ufually burthenfome. It is not fo with the wayes of wickednefe7 they are pleafant in the beginning, but bitterneffe in the latter end : but, the wayes ofgodli- nefl'e, though they are a little auke and hard at the fira, yet 401 SE R,VI, clrifis burthen growca light by bearing,