Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creature lcbhat pleafant y u to endure a little panses (as we fay) r sEe, vi. yet they intheend and o mutt becontent á fvgit n,cdam, fgit farineim : If you will not rake paints at the Mill, you (hall not have any meale;if you ail not take a little Paine; at the beginning, you fball want the fruit ofit: therfore be content with ir,that you may have the fruir. A man loth not fay,bccaufe a new fute,or a new paire of fhooes is hard at firít putting on ; therefore I will go in rags, but he C irlb the new is b tier than the old, and after I have worne.ija while, it will be more eafie. So be lure the wayes "'of God will be as eafie as plea- ting; yea, more plefing than any thing, for they are jucuMda per fe, pleafing in their owne natute, others are pleating to this or that humour, to this or that cafe: now this is a true rule,whatfoever isfo,per fe,isalwaies Co. So thou fhalt finde this new man more eafie and pleafant, for thou (halt finde it to be foat all times, it is a continual) feaft pleating in all conditions. Take all other things that pleafe thy nature, it is but when thou haft fuch a luft, fuch an humour in filch a time, it is not fo atall times, it is not a continual! feat#. ObjecI. Ber, you will fay, I finde it not fo, I finde thatfince i I began this new courte, I have more trouble and per. plexity of minde than I had before,I was quiet bxfore, and all at refl. >4rfn'. I anfwer it may be í'o, but flay a while till the Surine of Grace bath got higher,till it bath got more ítrength, and thou (hair finde it able to difperfe chofe vapours, and to fcatter all chofe clouds,It is true at the beginning; there is but flrength enough to move them, to raílé them a titric;bur when it bath more ftreng >h, they are fcattcrcd and difperfed : therefore though there be a i little