Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creature, »'hat. (4c; i little hardneífe at the firft, yet go o n ,and thou (halt find jI SE R.VI. it pleafanr. The Heathen man could fay, Elige vitam optimam, & conruetudofaciet jucundam : chute the good way,and though it be hard at the firff,afçerwards it wil be the more eafie. If we appointed you a new worke without a new heart, it were another cafe,bur you mull know what we laid before, you fhall have a New Na- ture, and being fo, it will be pleafanr, becaufe the wayes of God will be futable to it. So much likewife for this. Lail of all, if we muít be made New creatures, then obferv. give God the praife of that great worke, of changing Gin God old men into new men, I fay, give him the pralle of ir, ofch. ñg- for he lookes for that at your hands. Will you mag. ing thy nilie himfor healing a lame man,ablind man (for they Nature. were true maladies, and he was worthy of praife for them)and is he not worthy ro be magnified for chang_ ing the whole Nature, for altering the whole frame of it a Are the cures of the foule lefhe than the cures of the body e What if Chrift fhould now make the lame. to walke,the blind to fee, to take away the blindneffe of the miede, to Neale the fickneffe of the foule, to make a man a New Creature: Is not this a worke of a higher Nature a When the Centurion law the Veile of the Temple rent,he faid,Surely this was the Senne of God: So when thou (halt fee the Courfe of Nature turned, that old Nature of thine rent to peeces, be ready to fay, Surely this woes the Son of God : Shall we fay Chrift was Cod-for turning water into wine, and flail we not give him the pralle of his power, whenwe fee him turne one Creature into another e Making Lions Lambes, inaking you New Creatures e This is a turning of the courfe