Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

zz Humiliation before lultification. SE RILL River, and will not fides them to rea in any corner, for if they can findcany placeto refit in,they will not come into the net ; So man bath many flatting holes, and faine would be quiet; God humbles him a little, but he gets in a nooke and there hides himfelfe, that if God beat not the River thorow-out, that is, if Cod doe not purfue a man, he will not be brought in. As it was with them that fled to the Citie of refuge;you know if one man killed another at unawares, if hee could get into the Citie of Refuge; he were fafe ; but were not hee purfued by the Avenger of blond, he would not flie thither : if God ever give over purfu- ing a man till he be juft at the Citie, He will ftcp a- fide and not regard it; but when God fhall charge fin upon the confcience, and purfue''him,,never giving him refl,this brings him to the City of Ref uge.This is exemplified in the Prodigall fonne, fo long as hee had any thing to.fuf}aine him,whrle his goods lafted he never thought of going home to his father: when he had (pent his goods fólong as he could get work, or had any thing to doe, though he hired himfelfe in a very mete condition to keepe the Swine, yet hee was well conteat> but in theend,.when bee came to have Harekes; his:-uttnoftfhift, (andyet if hee could have had huskes, lice woulínot have come home) when he had-nofiuftenance, but muff needs perifh, then he goes home. And indeed a man will never goe hometill beehaveinobotrome to Rand on, no- thing to hold by,to Maine him ;when a man is no- thing, is cut eff the Tree hee grew 'on before, and fees that he muff now penifh eternally; this is true Humiliation.:; You that are :to- receive the Sacra- ment