Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

404 SER. VI. /I New .Creature, 11.7kat. courfe of Nature, is not your Nature carr ed as vie. lently to fin, as the Sunne in his courfe e And to turne ir, is as much as to ítay the Sunne in his courfe: It is no leffe to make you New Creatures: No man confiders ir, therefore let me put you in minde what it is, for this is a thing you fhould marke, Therefore lohn Baptrfl gives this figne of Chrif}, by which he might be dif}inguithed from himfelfe, and all men, I baptize you with water, but when he comes, be fliall baptize you with the Holy Ghofl and wit hfire, that is, when that is done, be affured that the Son of God is come in the flefh. This is the great miracle that John wil have them attend unto;and is not this daily donee Doth not Chrift baptize us with fire and with the Holy Chofl ? Therefore you than fee what anfwer he gives to John Baptifl when he would know, Art thou he, or looke we for another ? Coe and tell lohn, the blinde fie, the lame walke, and the pore receive the Gofpell, that is,I have made them. New Creatures : This is put with the other miracles of healing the blinde and lame. It is true, we that live fee not this done, the blinde to fee, or the lame to go, yet we fee men receive the Gofpell,that is, are regenerate by the Gofpell, are made New Crea tunes : This is a thing we fhould hearken to; as it was a great fin in them in Chrifts time, to neglect the mira. ties he didfo it is with us w hen we neglect this.There. fore Chrift takes up Nicodemus, when he tels him that men mutt be made New Creatures, he wondring at it, faith,whatdoft thoumeaneby that e Chriftfaith,what wilt thou doe, when I tell thee of things in Heaven, if thou wilt not believe,whcn I tell thee of earthly things: The meaning is this, Regeneration isa thing done on earth