Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

1 New Creature, 7bhat. 4o earth (that is the meaning of the place) this you fee be- SEE. VI. fore your eyes, this you have experience of, ifyou will not beleeve this, How will you beleeve things that are remote from your eyes r that are Phut up from you, which you have no experience of, but only that I tell you , and therefore you ought to beleeve me e Therefore, when you fee New Creatures, argue thus with your (elves. Certainly, there is a renewing God, and a renewing Spirit, that is, there is a Redeemer; for as by the commoncreatures, fee, you know there is a Creator (as, opua mo /irat efficientem) if you fee a Creature, then you know there is a Creator, then why thauld not that renewing ofChrif, his exercifing that all of renewing among the fonsof men, put you in mind ofglorifying God,and ofgiving himthe praife of it r W hen Chrift wrought miracles, °you (hall finde what different fucce(l'e they had,faith the Text in more places than one, (therefore I need not quote it) fume of the people glorified God, when they faw fuch a thing done, others envied, fome glorified God, others went and told the Pharifies. You (hall fee when Lazarua was rained from the dead, force believed and glor ific d God, others went to the Pharifies: Now, I fay,when you fee this done, (for this is the greateft miracle, and all the miracles that is now left)that men are made new Creatures, and it is done before your eyes, if you will fee it; (as ChrifI Paid) He that bath eares, let him Beare. rake heed how you looke on it, confider with what eye, God never makes a New Creature, but when men look on it, there is a different judgement; force there are that magnifie it, and defire to be made (o likewife, that make this ufe ofit, and fo you ought to doe, Purely D d there Boor.