Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

406 SIR. VI. Aloft men envie the new Crea- ture. New Creature, 'hat. there is vertue in the Spirit, a vertu; in Grace, an effi- cacy in the Word ; (urely there be the minifiers and fervants of the molt high God. This you ought to do; but on the other fide, how many hundreds and thou - lands are there that do as they did, when they faw the miracles, they envied e Yea, as they did with Laza. rara-, When the !ewes f w that far Lazarus fake, many went away and beleeved on him, they conf ltedhow to put Laza- rus to death: That is the fa(hion of the world,when they fee New Creatures, men regenerate, that Holineffè, and purity of GodlincfTe fhines forth in their lives, and when that caufes others to go away, and that, for that they will believe oil Chrift, they will doe as they did with Lazarus, they will have him put to death, that is , they will have him removed out of the way, they will have him taken, ex rerum natura. Take heed of this. But, you will fay, If we knew they were New Creatures, we would not do fo e It is very true, but do you think, when they would have killed lefus and Lazarus, they knew them to be fo e They did not know Chrift to be the Lord of life, the Scripture faith fo. Againe, they thought Lazaran to be an Irrupoftor, it is like they did, but it is taken for a perfecution of Chrift. The Iewes that killed the Prophets, doe you think they thought them to be Pro- phets when they flew them e Take heed ofthat, you know the danger of it, when I E S V S C H R I S T wrought miracles by the power of the Holy Ghoft : No, fay they, he loth it by Belzebab : C H R I s T tels them, in this they blafphemed the Holy Ghoft. When thou (halt fee a Man made a New Creature, when