Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creature, Vliat. when thou shalt fee a man Regenerate, take heed of Paying, this is guile, and cunning, and impofiure, for it is done by the Spirit; take heed ofblafpheming the Holy Ghofi. It is a dangerous cafe : I fay, when fuch things be done, we fhould praife God, and glorifie God for it, labouring to come in our felves, and not look on it with an eye of envie, and hatted,and difiatte. The different effdts Chrifis miracles had, fuck bath this : Our fcope is, that ye may glorifie God, and give him the praife of it, that when he bath done fuch a worke, you may fay this is the power of Grace, and the vertue of the Spirit. So much for this point, that you muff be New Creatures,and to we have gone tho. row three things, w'h were obferved out of the words: Firf}, the infeparability between Tuíiification and San4ification. Secondly, the having of another Nature. Thirdly, it mutt be new. Now, the fourth is,it is a creature wrought by God, for that word is not in vaine, Whofoever is in Cbri,I, let him be a New Creature :3 The meaning is this 3 we are New Creatures, that is, it is God that worketh it in us, for Creation isproper to him, no Angell nor Creature under the Sunne can knit thofe things together, which have an infinite diftance, as fomething and nothing; therefore it is proper to him it is he that maketh us New Creatures, not that himfelfc is the beginner, and fomething elfe perfeds it, as force fay, but Deus eft cau- fa totius entis, He is the beginner and ender, he makes us New. And there is much reafon,for it cannot be otherwife, for ifit were, in our power, of our felves to cone in:. D d 2 Firft, 407 r SE VZ. obf 4. The New Creature is Gods worke. This is proved by foure Ar- gwtnents.