Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

408 SE R.V7. Arg.I. Elfe good men were not behol. ding to God. Arg. 2. Elfe not God but men (hold difference themfelvs. Arg,3. Elfe we take away Eleftion and Re- probation. objci I. A New Creature, what. FirL, it will follow that the Saints in Heaven fhould be no more beholding to God, than thofe that are con. demned in hell: For, if God did give every man fufli_ cicnt means of falvation, and I have taken ir, and ano_ ther refufed ir, whom may I thank when I am in Hea- ven, and another in Hell, not God (for he gave the meanes equally) but my felfe, I tooke it; and another did not, and fo the love God fhewes, it fhould be as much to the damned, as to the Saints, if he hath done on his part equally to both. Againe, it fhould not be God that makes the diffe- rence, but man, and fo you may Band up and contra. did what Paul faith, Who art thou that 6oflef, who bath put the difference ? If man hath free will to take Grace, or refufe ir, and if God bath given to all fufficient meanes , then , thou haft made the difference, God hath not. Againe, if this were fo, we mull take away all Ele- &ion and Reprobation ; for what is Ele lion e EIeE}i- on is nothing elfe but this, God hath taken Tome to life, and makes them holy, as godlineffe is an ail& of his Eleäion, and the wickedneffè of men is a fruit of their rc j:Qion : but now bere would be no Elea ion,but a meere prejudicatiòn of a reward to the thing done only ; but therefore God is laid to have chofen us, be- caufe he makes us good; now by this you take that quite away. But you will object, why fhould there be chofe dif- ferent kinds of working a we fee in all other things, if there be an end propounded, and fufficient motives, it is enough:and why fhould God give different objeèise therefore they fay, it is but as propounding of the bough