Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The New Creature, what. 4o9 bough to the fheepe, and the fheepe will follow : If SER.VII God propounds congruous objects to the faculties of the foule of man, he will come in. But I anfwer it briefly, if he will come in for this vittfrv. congruity of objets, becaufe a bough is propounded to him: Firft, he muft be a fheepe, before he will follow the I bough : Now thou art a Wolfe by Nature, firft,there- fore hee muft turne thy nature, G o D muft turne thy volnntatem Lupinam into cAgnissam ; therefore thou muff have another nature before thou can't fol- low the bough. Againe, thou mull have an eye to fee that bough, 2 but we are blinde by nature,and till God opens our eyes and inlightens us, we cannot fee the excellencies of the wayes of God, and therefore we !hall not follow it. Againe, there mule be iîrength to follow, but ex- 3 cept God give thee ftrength though thou fhouldeft fee ir, and fee beauty in it too, thou wilt never follow it to purpofe, thou wilt never follow it to the end. Saul loo. ked on it fora time, but not to the end, there muff be a power of God to carry a man through all objets, all impediments to the end; therefore, Xs, man can come to me(faith Chrift) except my Father dram him :Not force men, but no man, though he have great meaner; he loth not fay, except my Father allure him with con- gruous objects, but except my Father change his na- ture ; for drawing fignïfies a reluctance, and backward - nefiè in us. Goe to experience, you !hall findeit fo; when we fpeak to men, it is true, we fay, they be dead in fins and `xrg 4 (Experience; trefpaf es: Doc not men heare us as dad meneNo ma¡ateachethic.; D d 3 firms J