Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

objets. I Impedi- ments of two forts. The New Creature, what. ttirres up himfelfe, they goe away as they came, and till God put life into them, they will nor hearken to us. Againe, how perverfe are judgements ofinene they tee noexcellencies in the wayes of God; therefore are apt to quarrel! and fpeake againil them. Agaíne, doe we not finde our defires fo pitched on prefent things , and our lufis fo fet upon them , that without an Almighty Power they cannot be loofed e Therefore Chrift faith, Ic is impoffible for a rich man, that is, one that fets his heart on riches, to enter into the Kingdome of Heaven. That place is as thong as any place in all the Book of God, to thew that there is no freedome of will; it id impoBible for a rich man; for a man that hath this one luít, (he might have faid of any other lutt) whofe heart is fet on gaming, on any other fin, it is as icnpoifible as for a Cable-rope to go thorow the eyeofa Needle: But then (faith Peter) no man fhallbe Paved : and indeed no man !hall be Paved, if there be no more than his owne f#rength, but God will put to his Almighty power, to change his nature, to mortifie thefe tufts. Therefore, this we finde by experience, it is not a notion that men are not able to come in. But you will fay, this is a difcouraging do6rine, if God traufl do all, what !hall we doe it teacheth every man to fit Bill. I anfwer, N o,it will not teachmen to fit ftill,becaufe there was no man ever went about ir, that ever found any impediment : Therefore In mutt know, what is an impediment. Impediments (when a man cannot doe a thing) are of two forts: One is, when I tee fuch a thing as I define, but there is a doore lockt on me, and I cannot come at it, or I am fettered, and cannot go to it-