Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The New Creature,'hat. ir, or it is in another mans hand, and I cannot get it out of his hand; here a man may complaine. The fccond Impediment is, when the thing lyes before thee, thou mayeff have it, if thou wilt ; every thing lyes ready, and (imply it is becaufe thou wilt not. Here now no man can complaine, laying, Why is there fuch an Im- pediment a Why may not I come in ? Was there ever any man refolved with himfelfe, I will live a godly life if I can:' No, it is not that, all the extrinfecall impedi- ments are taken away, and all the matter is in thy will, thou re frr fJt to come in, and wil not walke in that way. Here lyeth theimpediment. Againe, it is not a doctrine of difcouragement; for, you muff know, though God doth it by his Almighty Power, yet he workes in us, In modo intelligentium, He ufes us in the vaorke,and he ufeth us after themanner of men for every man doth vl ius agere ; he workes in us by propounding reafons, and arguments to move withall; thou underflandeft them, and knowefl them : therefore it is as much as thou canff doe inthe begin- ning to thinke, what reafons there are to move thee to go in,tobetake thy felfto a godly courfè,and to change the old haunts thou haft lived in before. Againe, thou muff keep from the impediments,thou muff keep& out of ill company, that deffroyes this. Thou haft many good fparkcs in thee,thou muff blow them up, thou muft lay thy felfe by the poole, till the Angell comes, and moves the waters; there be many things thou muff doe, and though the Candle cannot light it felfe, yet, when it is lighted, it is but putting oyle to it, and we may maintaine the flame: though thou canal not begin thy life, though thou canit not D d 4 make :2;. v4nf.1 (41 xi: 3