Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

412 The New Creature, what. SER..VI! make thy felfe a living man when thou arc dead, yet,. when there is life, thou mayeft ftir, and move thy felfe, thou mayeft eat and drink in ftrength of that life; when the fire is kindled we may maintaine it. Freewill in I fay, we preach Free -will to the Regenerate; for é men certainly, fo much grace as they have, fo much Free- will they have, for Free-will followes grace, as the (hádow doth the body ; fo far, as we are reftored to 4 ms condition, fo far we have Adams Free. will. Therefore we maintaine Free - will in the Regene- rate, and as far as thou art Regenerate, thou haft Free- will, thou mayeft doe more than thou doeft. Therefore doe not fit downe and fay, I cannot doe it, for thou mayeft doe it; and if thou haft but a little ftrength, thou mayefl improve and husband ir, as well as any other talent, and it (hall increafe and grow in thee. ob. a. Laft of all, you will fay, But what ufe is there of this To what us fervech this do6trine > to tell us that we are New Creatures, and doarinc. God mutt make us New Creatures, and he mutt beget us by the Word of Truth flurev. What ufe is there of it r To r°nrC atfes. Very great ufe. One great ufe of it is this, if we doe vfe I, not thus hold with God, that we are dependant upon To let us fee him , and know that it is hee that wroughtthat worke that our có- dition in wee Would bee but in the flate of Ádam. Now this is Chri better 3than the greate advantage wee have by the Gofpell, we have in Ad n. not a flocke in our owne hands, but are kept by the pottier of Godto falvation. Otherwife, if it were true that wee take Grace, and refufe it, according to liberty of will; you muff know, this will confequently follow on it; if thou canit take it out of liberty of will, thou mayeft let awell