Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The New Creature, what. } 413 let it go againe : never any man holds one, but he holds SER.V I4, the other alío ; I fay, thou may'íi fall from it againe. Now, if thou mayeft take it, and fall from it againe, thou art as L Adans was ; how miferable then is thy t condition But by this do&rine that we are in Chrift, that Chrift hath made us New Creatures, that the worke hath beene begun by him, and we are now corn mitred to his keeping, we are in another condition than we had in Adam. Againe, there is this end of this doQrine : ift'tis do- &rine were not preached, thou wouldefl goe about a work,which thou wouldeft never be able to performe; for if thou haft this opinion, I may doe it out of liberty of will, thou wilt goe abouta worke without flrength, thou wilt goe about to leape over a great ditch with a frort ftaffe. Now when aman will not feek to God, the worke ryes undone: he that will not be ftrong by Gods flrength, (hall not be ftrong : when thou art taught, it is God that doth it, it will teach thee to go to God and Chrift, and pray them to doe ir, and fo the worke will be done to thine hand, which before could never have beene done. . Againe, if thou couldeft take Chrifl, and come in, thou wouldeft bee lefle beholding ro Chrift, and fo lovethy felfe, and be Idle humble. On the other fide, when thou fLeft thou haft nothing, thou wilt doe as wives, who, feeing they have nothing, no beauty, they love their Hu'bands better all the dayes of their life : Why doth Chrift Fare. it fo, I have loved you, and you have not loved me, I have taken you, and) ou have not taken me :' It is a great matter when the wife faith, I have took you, I have chofen you,I loved you: we Yfi 2. That it may a ppea re that God fetteth us not about a work e, which he Both not in- able us to pc. forme. Ure 3. To make us love Chrift the better, feeing how much we are bchol. ding to bim