Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

414 The New Creature, what. SER. VII we cannot argue thus with Chrift, for Chaffs cite- mento is ever and anon, I have loved you, and not You me. T omak u y s Laft of all, this ufe you may make of it, learne to take heed depend on Chrift with much feare, to take heed of ut- oEpnrring p p Ctork tin off the worke, when he cals, take heed of denying when CWrilt g cals. him, ifthe other dotrine were true,you might be bold to put offyour Repentance, but take heed of that,when it is God that workes in you, when God muff doe it, and hee doth when hee lifts, when it is the Spirit that doth it, and it breathes when and where it lifts; this may make you feare and tremble. So you may fee there is an end of this doarine: now we will make a little ufe of it, and fo end. yfc I. Firft, if it be Chrifts worke, if it be he that muff be. See he what s gin it, (for it is a creature) then you fee what bufineffe ofPrea- we have in hand, that are Preachers of the Gofpell, our chers is,and with whona bufineffe is to make men other Creatures, which is a d uwhenro tranfcendent worke, it is the worke of God, and not of you heare man : this is the errand we are Pent about, and the work the word, we are taught to do every Sabbath ; and every Sermon which we preach to you, to turne Lions into Lambes, to transforme the heart of man, and to make you New Creatures. This I fpeake of, not for our fakes, but for yours, that you may make ufe ofir : you muff learne to know, when you heare the Word, what a ,lion you have in hand, and whom you have to doe with, that is, with the Almighty God, and not with Man; for, alas, my brethren,what are we able to do± E$ef z. i o. E Ton are Gods workmanfliip in refus Gbrill, created to good workes, tkat you fl ould walke in them : Ir is true, we are the inftruments,but ye areGods workmanfhip.Take the belt AIM