Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The New Creature, ivbat. } 415 heft lnftxümcnt wherewith wemake any artificial thing, SER.V Axe or a Chifell, or whatfoever it is, you know, if there bee not an influence from the Artificer, it will make no artilciall thing, it will ftrike when you ufe it, but it will not make any artificial! thing, if there be not an influence from the Artificer : So we are infiruments, and the Word is an Inftrument, but if there be not an influence from God, the worke will not be done, you will never be made New Creatures.Therefore you are Gods workmanfhip created to good workes; he loth it, and remember you have to do with him: You have an elegant exprefïion of it in 2 Cor.3 , 2. You are Cbrifts = COI'. 3.2. Epiftle admin jlred by us, and written not with Inke, but with the Spirit of the living God: That is, the law of God is written in your hearts. You know, regeneration is in many other places of Scripture, writing the Law of God in their hearts; then there is a writing, and in this fenfe the Saints are called an Epi ftle,but they are Chrifis Epifile, we are the Pen, and he is the Writer,he handles A2iniiìers the Pen, Y P and what (hall the Pen do, when there is Paper and Ordi- and no Inke e Will there bean E iftle written e Now uautes, in- i}rumtncs. what is that, you are Chrifts Epiftle not written with Inke, but by the Spirit of God:' We doe but apply the Pen to the Paper; but if God put not Inke into the Pen, that is, the Spirit of the living God, nothing will bee written in your hearts. Therefore, remember what you have to doe, and with whom ; not with us, for we are able to doe nothing : not Paul or Apollo mighty in Scriptures, We are the Minifiers by whomyou beleeve. It is G o D that loth it , wee are but thole by whom you beleeve : Peter, if that ever any man was able -fo to doe it, hee was, that had his tongue fet on fire by the Holy