Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

416 The New Creature, what. sER. VII Holy Ghofl, yet he was not able to doe it, Galath.a. óîa.2.8. 8 . Yee that was mighty by Peter over the circumcifion, God wad mighty by Peter : but the worke was hone of his; wee are the Rammes hornes, but who throwes downe the gals of Iericho ? Are we able to doe it No , my Brethren , no more than Peter was able to open the Iron gates. It is true, when Peter came to them, they opened, and not before, but it was theAn_ gell that did it. So when wee preach the Gofpell, there bee everlaíling doores ; canwee open the Iron_ gates e No more than any man can open Iron.doores. 'Therefore Lydia's heart was opened, elfe Paul might have preached long enough in vaine ; in Luke the Taft Lu$c .4.45 Chapter, He opened their moduli andings,that they might underfland the Scriptures. If he had not opened their underflandings, as he was God, he had done them no good, when he preached to them as man : Therefore it is God that doth ir. But, you will fay, of what ufe is this to us, that God doth it It is of much ufe: therefore, when you come to this Learne place every Sabbath day to heare the Word,when you hence. _ To come fee you have to doe with the mighty God (we are the to heare the word with Pen, it is God that loth it) learne to come with reve- andfeare. rence and fearer learne to fay of this place,as Iacob did, when he law God, when he taw the Ladder, and An. gels afcending, and dcfcending. Surely this is a feare -` full place, and no other than the gate of Heaven, and the Houle of God; it may be you thought ()fit bi fore : You come to heare Sermons, or Lectures, and Decla- mations,to have your underftandings bettered,but you doe