Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creature, Tvhat. doe not remember that it is the gate of Heaven, and the Houle of God : you fee not God Banding over us, you fhould overlooke us, it is the gate of Heaven, that is, you Than never corne to Heaven ordinarily, if you gee not through this gate, it is the Houle of God : And in deed when you come hither, your eye mat{ be upon him more than upon us; expeh and wait what God will doe on your hearts, in fuch a time, if you come and heare ; and God bath done nothing, oblerve that, and fay, it is becaufe God hath with- holden his hand, therefore my heart is not quickned at this Sermon ; if any thing hathbeene done, know, it is a fparke kindled from Heaven, therefore cherifh ir, looke well to it, for it is a fparke kindled from Heaven: therefore, doe as they did in the Law, tee what David did on the Altar which he built on Mount 1tloyiah, when the Altar was built, they layd the wood and Sacrifice, and looked to God whenhe would fend fire from Heaven : So we are the wood, look to God for fire, if you can get a Spark, be fure to maintaine it ; for that was the manner of the Prief}s, when they had a little fire from Hcav; n, they aiway gave fcwell,they rever let it go out againe. Look to it diligently, if you have got a (park from Heaven, let it not go out againe, (as it is the cafe of many thou 1 lands to doe) there may be fpa, kes, and you may heat your felves by them, and it may be but fire from earth: When a Sacrifice was kindled by common fire, God accepted it nor, though it burnt as other fire, yet it was no facrifice to God. Morali reafon and naturali wif- dome may kindle a fire, that maybe very like true fire, but it is not from Heaven : Therefore come with much feare to this place, like men that have your eyes on God 41? Ss R.i, Fire f'iom Heaven to be cheri- flied.