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i 418 A New Creature, lbhat. SLR. VI. God,feek him not for fafhion,ánd know it is tono pu pofe,if God feat not his Spirit from Heaven. E. To give Againe, you will fay, what ufe isthereof this, that the praife it is God that Both it, and not man. of good you I fay therefore,give the praife and glory of it to God, receive by give it not to us, but to him, this is not a light notion, the prea- ching of but of great moment, for it will make thee love the the Word, Lord Iefus : Saint Paul puts this among the greaten to God mercies; He hash beene mere/full to me withfuith and z Tim. I. love: that amazed him, that he could never be thankful! enough for it, that is, he hath wrought in One faithand love, therefore gives him the praife. It is God that doth it, we are but the inftruments ; we praife not the Trumpet, but the Trumpeter, we praife not the Pen. fill, but the Painter. It is God that doth the worke, give him therefore the whole praife of it; this is a mat- ter of much ufe to you. For when there is a Miniíler of God, that bath beene an infiniment of bringing you to Heaven,youwill love this man, prize him,and mag- i nifie him in your thoughts, and you do well ;; but re- member, that you take nothing from Chrift; alas ! What is the Pen to him that writes the Epiftle a What are we, my brethren e Give not to us what belongs unto him ; nothing unto us, faith Paul, we have done thus and thus, but it is nothing, it is Chrift that bath done all,and let him have all: as the fervants of Chrift, wemuft be wary, that we rob not our Matter of mens affections, for we are but fpokefmen to prefent you to drift, therefore be exceeding wary, give your affeti- ons to the Lord, to whom they belong: If ever you receive any good by any Sermon, if you be quickned, if ever a little enlivened by the powerful! preaching of the