Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

4x0 SER. V 1. 4 New Creature, Flat. of words, hut fo much as there is of God, to much au- thority. Therefore come not with afleìation ofex. cellency of words and wifdorne: if we had all the wit in the world to fet the word of God in it, it is better than that in which it is fet; as the Diamond is better than the Gold in which it is let. If you were to chufe a Mi- nifer, chufe not fuck an one, delire it not,exped it nor, the foolifhnefl'e of preaching, is wifer than men, it will do more than all the wifdome of man, though it is but foolifhnefle to force, Jve fpeake rvi fdome to them that are perfe1, faith Paul, they that be perfed, will account it witdome, it is foolifhncílè to them that are children and unable to difcerne. Againe, though it be but foolifhnefTe on the out fide, yet there be trcafures within, and God hath hid thefe treafuresunder bale out -fides, that men may flunableat them, as men that hide treafure under thaw, the foo- lifhnefle of preaching laves the foules of men; therefore iceing it is God that doth it, he will ufe his owne In- ftruments, God workes by it,. Can words, can all mo_ rail wit make a New Creature :' No, it is God ; then why doe we make a queffion e The more the word is difcovered and brought home, the be tier it is ; becaufe indeed, when we preach any thing elfè, you dobut fee a.Creatureand you think you have to do with a Crea- ture; for you can anfwer wit with wit, and learning with learning; and when you fee you have to do with men, though never fo excellent, yet they are men: But when Chrif fpeákes to the confcience, now the heart is brought downe, when it feeth it bath to doe with God,c hat only bath to do with the confciences of men; thereforetxpea not the contrary, and remember that f_. God