Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creat ue, T at. God is the doer of it, it is hee that writes the Epiftle, though we be the Mininers. It is therefore not with- out ufe that we preach this doEtrine to you. And to all that I have Paid adds this one more : Therefore if you find that there hath not bin a mighty worke of God wrought in your hearts at any time, when you have heard the Word, know you have heard in vaine, for the labour is loft, if there bee no more than the worke of a man. There- fore you mutt know there bee two Preachers at the fame time , one that fpeakes to the heart powerfully, that makes you New Creatures, that baptizeth you p with the Holy Ghoft and with fire, and then there is a preaching to the cares : And there are two hearings, one is , when you can repeat , and recall the Word to memory, but there is another Paving hearing, that is, when it is ingrafccd ? And when is it ingrafted ' Even then when it maketh you New Creatures, as a graft is then grafted when it changes all the Stock. Therefore confider whether you doe fo heare, or no, that it hash bred fuch a change in you , and know, otherwife you have heard it in vaine. For what doewee doe when wee preach the Wordy wee doe as Gchezi did, hee came running with Elifha's ftaffè to raife the child, but hee could not doe it, for though hee had li/ha's !tale, he had not Ehfha's fpirit : So weecome with the ftaffe, but not with the Spirit ; therefore thou art not raifcd to life, for there is the ftaffc without the Spirit : there- fore doe not thinke thou haft heard to any purpofe, if the Stocke be not turned if thou findeft not the Spirit there. What doe wee , when we dreffe upa Sermon never fo well It is but the rigging of the failes , and Ee wha 425 SER.vII What Workes you finde Upon your omone hearts, in preaching h ofthe Worde.