Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

42 t The New Creature, what. what will all this doe without wind Is not the Spirit the wind e What are Organs without breath r Thep is no inuficke made : And what is all our preaching, whan the Spirit is abfent e That is all in all, indeed it is the fword of the Spirit, but what is it without the Al- mighty hand of God a It is laid of one, who hearing that scanderbegs fword haddone fuch and fuch ( tranne works,would needs fee it,and fent for the Sword;when hefaw the fword, he faid, he faw no fuch matter in it; Is this the Swor f that hath done all this r scanderbeg lent him word agline 5 I have fent the fword, but not the Arme that handled it. So the Word we preach to you, is but the Sword of God, God lends you the Sword many times,when he keepes the Arme to him - ¡elfe : It may bee you have not feene fo great things done by it as we tell you of, That it is the power of God to faduation , that it is the Word of Truth that begets men againe ; the reafon is, becaufe God referves the Arme to himfelfe. Therefore, when you come to heare, as you have the Sword, pray carnally that the Arme may goe together with the Sword, that God will make it lively and mighty in operation, to call downe your lulls, to pierce as a two-edged fword, di. viding betweene the bones and the marrow, the joynts and the fpirit; that is, that you may know your felves better than you did before : And all this ufe you may make of this, that you are Creatures, and no man can make you New Creatures : It is God mutt do it. THE