Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

) 4/4444A4vt/ 41'*A424/41g4r/ 44 42 THE SEVENTH S E R M O N VPON THU en!t CR E A ?",Taaris 2 Colt. 5.17. Therefore if any man be in arifl, let him bee a New Creature. Vt, you will objeet, G o n workes in objet. us Ale deed, even every deed, fo that a man bath not Free.will after he is Re- generate. To this we anfwer, that fofarreas ren:itelVat his grace, and the ftrength he hath, goes, fo farr he is able to keepe the Commandements ul e of God, by vertue of a generals concourfe: It is not de- under- would r nied that a man cannot move his hand, nor doe any a- wiens he & ionwithoutthegeneraliconcourfeofGod; but that affirmeth God never denies,but as he gives the Creature ability, the will o fo he vouchfafes a generali concourfe to ir. As it is Regene- rs true in that, fo in all aóions of grace, a man cannot doe eate o be per free. fú any thing without a concourfe: But when a man bath grace, the_ re be two things wherein a man bath need of E e 2 f'peciell 423 SE R.VII