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418 Sarz.V1I. Two things wherein we need fuperveni- ent help . The New Creature what. fpeciall supervenienthelpe from God : Firft, when bee is called to doe a worke, which is above the flrength bee bath received ; h re mutt be more ftrength there muff be a new addition , for the worke goes beyond the ftrength : As a child may goc on plaine ground, but if you will have him goe up a paire of Rajas i you mutt tend him your helps : So a Chriflian may doe a- ligns pro,: rtionable to the grace he hash received; yet` iein , h fbaiewhat above that pitch, hee muff h y or m God. Secondly , when a man is aíl°aulte b7 a-t: ptation , beyond the strength he bath received,haire needs ftrength beyond his owne to hold him up : A hill may Rand alone, but if one thrufts him, you molt hold him up or elfe he falls; fo the Lord mutt put under his'hand , and wee muff have helpe above that wee have received , but otherwife the pofition is true, fo farre as we are regenerate, fo farre we have Free -will , which followes grace : So much life as we have , fo farre wee may move and firre our felves. And inthefe cal es it is true , that we need more helpe from God beyond the gracewe have received. The fifth thing to be obferved is the order, firft in Chrift, and then a New Creaturesout of which we are briefely to obferve this. Let no man looke for San lification,before he is ju- ftified,that is,Let no man be difcouraged from coming to Chrift , becaufc he finds not in himlelfe that godly forrow for finne,that ability to repent, that difpofition d heart,which he defires to have: for a New Creature followes ir;we mull firft be in Chrift before we can be New Creatures. And this is a common fault among us, we willfaine have fomcthingbcfore we come, wee thinker oy5. The order firíl in Chrill and then New Creatt*res. Hence leatne. t. Not to be difcou- raged from going to Chria for any defeEt, or irBper- feaiun that is in ns.