Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creatue, 'bat. thinke Gods pardons are not free, but we mull bring SER.V Ii. fomething in our hand : You know the Proclamation twines thus, Buy without money ,that is,comewithout a- ny excellencie at all , becaule wee are commanded to come and take the water of life freely : Therefore, doe not fay, I have a finfull difpofition, and an hard heart, and cannot mourne for fin as I fhould, therefore I will flay till that be done;it is all oneas hou fhould'il fay, I muff goe to the Phyfitian,but I wi ave my wounds well,and my difeafe healed f rf ;and whenihatis done, I will goe to the Phyfitian. What is thy end of going to him ,but to have thy difeafe healede Path thou thinke to have thy difeafe healed before,: I fay it is the fame folly:The end ofgoing to Chrifljs,that this very hardnefíe of thy heart may be taken av*ay , that this very deadneffe of the fpirit may be removed,that thou mayeft be enlivened, and quickned, and healed , that thou mayeft hate finne; fot he is thy Phyfitian, looke not for it before-hand , thou mull firft bee in Chrift , before thou canfi be a New Creature. Againc,if we muff firfl be in Chrifi, before we can be New Creatures, if that be the order, if that bee the motive and the thing that carries us on, then let us be ct,ria > to content to ufe the motive that God ufeth. The Papifts pe:Cwade propound other motives to good worker; they tell y oáto works them, they (hall have Heaven, and efcape damnation for them. Is this a good reafonto move men to good works But the courfe of Scripture is otherwife : Thou art in Chrift, hee is thine, therefore bee a New Creature, confider what he bath done for thee ; there- fore laboar to turne to him. A gaine, confider what thou hadfl beetle without him, what thou haft by him, 1 Ec 3 and 425 Rear. 2.1 From your union with