Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

426 We are firft in Chri.l ; SER.VII, and, by that, iliac up thy fclfe to doe for him, what t he requires. Therefore the Apoflle comming to anfwer that queflion, If grace abound, why doth not fame abound a Why doth not a man finne more e He doth not fay, you (hall have thefe and thefe motives to draw you from finne, but hee tels them, whofoever is in Chrift, is dead to finne, and if you be dead to ir, how (hall you live therein e If you be in Chrift, you will be New Creatures,there needs no other motive to make you fo. And fo much for this, becaufe we will haflen to the point, we intend to handle at this time. If any man be in Chrifl , let him be a New Creature.] The laft point we are to obferve in this Text, is : Doti, a That to bee in Chrifl is the ground of our f lvation : To be in That is, of all the priviledges we have, and of all the chrift,is graces we have (for in thofe two things doth the king- the grotíd of all Sal dome of God conffl ) it is the round of all the privi- vatien. ledges wee have 3 we have them therefore becaufe wee bee in Chrifl; It is the ground of all the graces wee have, becaufe we are in Chrift, therefore we are New Creatures; therefore wee have the Image of God re- paired in us, which is nothing but the bundle of all graces, as the old man is the bundle and heape of all corruption and finne. Now we will Phew what it is to be in Chrift, and of to whbe iat itls n what moment it is ; then we will make ufe of it : The Chrifi, two firft are fo neere conjoyned, that we will handle them together, what it is to be in Chrift, and of what moment it isto bee in Chrift, that is, to bee united to Chrift. A man then is laid to be united to him, when hee may truly fay that which is in the Canticles, cm4y cant. 6.3. Beloved is mine, and i am his : When a man can fay, Chrift AMR