Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

418 steR,VII. Our union with Chri(k nearer thé marriage. s. Ofwhat moment this union is. The Nei, Creature 1,hat. neere union, yet but a Relative union ; but there is fomething more in this, Chrift bath taken our Nature, lie is bene of our bone,' and f e(li of our fiefli ; And again, hee kath given us his Spirit, that the very fame Spirit dwells in us, as doth in him, that we may be laid to be fpirit of his Spirit. This is more than is in mariage, this is a neerer union; therefore the Scripture ufetha neerer expreffion, we areas members of the fame Bo. dy, he is the Head, we the members, we have the fame Spirit that he bath, we are flefh of the fame flefh, and bone of the fame bone, fo neere an union there is be- tweene us. So then, there is more than a Relation, in our being in Chrift, hee indeed comes in to us, as the Sun is (aid to come into the houfe.You know, the Sun is in the Heaven, but when the light comes, we fay the Sun comes into the houfe;for there comes a reali light, which is an effect of the Sun : So the Sonne of G ©d lefus Chrift, though he be in heaven, yet he comes in- to the heart, by his Spirit, as the Sun doth,by the light which revives us,and gaickens us, and works a change in us. Againe, wee grow into Chrift, as the branches grow into the Vine, into the Root, into the Stocke, fo that wec are one in another, and we grow one in ano- ther, as the branches grow in the Vine, and the Vine groweth in the branches: Such a mutual! union there is betwcene us. And thence come all the benefits, (which is the fe- cond thing I will thew you, that is, of whatmoment it is;)I fay,hence come al the benefits we have by him, in that we are united to him after this manner, that wee are in him, as the branches in the Vine; thence it is,that we are made New creatures, that is,therc is a new Sap flied