Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The New Creature, what. 429 flied in the branches, which weares out the old Sap,the Sga.VIl old man, original! fine which was there before, and changerh it by the ingredience of the new Sip. So doth Chrifl: Therefore we are Paid to be ingrafred into the frmilitude of his D: ath and Refurreetion, that is, the old nature in us is worne out by the comming. in of the new : now as CH x r s r did die, but revi- ved againe ; fo we put on another nature, fo wee have this benefit by this union, wee are made New Crea- tures. Befides this, we have an hundred others,when we are in Chrift we are under covert, he bath interefi in all ourdebts, and wee have intereft in all his riches, as the husband is bound to pay all the debts of the wife, when hee bath married her, fhe is under covert, the hath intereft in all her husbands riches; fo we have intereft in all the wealth of Chrifi, and that is a very large wealth, as you have it exprefl'ed in r Cor. the lait Chapter, Paul, and Apollo, &c. and the world is yours, it is a wealth beyond all that men can give you. The world is yours, no man in the world can Poe fo farce, Princes may reach thorow their owne Kingdomes, but the World is yours, that is, Chrift who bath the command of it, caufeth every thing there to ferve your turne, even every creature that man cannot corn-1 mand; the wind and the feas obey him for your good for you have intereft in all his riches, there is nothing in the world but is yours, Things prefent and things to come are ours. if men can helpe you to things prelenr, yet things to come are beyond their reach. If the things of this life bee theirs, yet Death is not theirs; but herein Chrift likewife furnifherh you. In a word, you have intereft in all his wealth, looke how farce he can