Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

-------- 430 A New Creature, what. sE R.vii can goe beyond a man, fo farre are you advantaged by him, and have intereft in all his riches, bee hath inte. reft in all your debts, you are under covert, and no. 1 thing can hurt you, the gates of Hell, Men, Divels, Sinne, and all the Creatures in Heaven and earth are not able to hurt you,becaufe you are in him,you are as Coneyes'in their Burrowes, he covers you, he keepes you fate. IE our eyes were opened to fee this, as the Apottle Pauls were, we fhould magnifie ir, and ftand amazed at it, when he comes to expreffe what we have by Chill, he knowes not how toexpreffe it; in him' are all the treafieres of wifeedome and knowledge, and they are ours ; he hath a Ktngdome, that is ours : Hee is a Sonne, fo are we ; hee is an Heire, fo are we, nothing can hurt us, but it hurts him. Therefore make ufe of this, when any thing is obje &ed that is terrible and grievous, anfwer it with this, I am in Chrift. When thou wantelt any thing,knowthou canít not be denied, for thou art in Chrift. Set all our thoughts on worke, to looke to all the things mans nature incapable of, that you delire to make you happy, we have them all in him, o the length,and height,and depth of his mercy ! Indeed it is fuch a depth that we cannot fadome, and a height we cannot reach,and a length we cannot mea. lure ; all this we have by Chrift : if we had but Pails f pirit to apprehend it,and a littlecrevife of light opened to us, as there was to him, that we might fee into this unfèarchable riches of chrifl,we would Rand amazed. I cannot Rand to enlarge it any further, you fee what it is to be united to Chrift, and of what moment. Now we will come to make fome ufe of it. If it bee fo glorious a condition to bee united to Chrift,