Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

New Creature, Zbhat. 431 Chaift, it fhould inflame us then with a delire to be in SE,R.VII him, with a delire to be in this condition; for, if you have the Son, you have life, r loh. 5.12. He that hash the Son bath life ,and all things elfe pertaining to life god - lineffe, and happineffe; he that hath not the Son ,hath not life, that is, hee is yet in death and condemnation ; have Chrií },and have all things; therefore it is an hap- py and glorious condition. Therefore let thole, that have ir, delire to enlarge vie t. it more and more,and thole that want inlet them feeke Exhorta- to get it. tion two Firft, I fay thole that have it, let them labour to in- Ìo1 Tt,o fe large it. that have You will fay, If a man bee in Chriit, how can hee this union with CbrrW bee more a If hee be united, if he bee maried to him, let them how can he be more a Iu(tification admits of no de- feeke to enlarge it grees : Therefore this is a point worth your confide. more. ration, That you may be more in Chriji. lt is truc, Iuftificationin this fenfe, admits of no In whit degrees, but it is indivifble, either you are married, fenoe this is to be or not married;. either yoga are in him,or not in him ; uoderhood fo farre, indeed, it admits of no degrees : But now when a Spoufe takes an Husband, Thee hath fo much wil as to refolve to make fuch an one her Husband, yet there may be degrees of willingnefl`, Thee may will it more, there may be more defire of ir, there may be a greater approbation of it; fo, though it be true,that e, very man that is juftifiedin Chriít,iswithin the Cove - iant, within the doore ; yet he may Poe in further, or eflë farre when hee is within : So I fay you may be within the Covenant, but this taking of Chriff, this being in Chriff, this receiving of him, admits of de. grecs,