Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

I 43z ¡ The New Creature, what. sER.VIt grecs, becaule, though one be married to an husband, \. that there is fo much will,as to refolve to take him,ra. ether than refute him, yet this very will of taking may befironger, as her of edions to him are more, the rea- 1 fns arc íironger and larger that invite her to take him : So the union with Chrift may be neerer yet, the knot may be yet flraiter, and as that incrcafeth, fo all the effects, and confequences of it increale: There. fore the thing we would exhort you to, is to bee more in Chrift, to get you neL rer to him. objeéá. You will fay, How (hall that be done e ,...ifv, Confider what it was that drawed you to him, and How it to labour to intend all that, that when you have taken msybee him, you may yet make the union neerer and better done. Five helps than it was. to doe it. And thefe five things will doe it : I Fir 11, confider your mifery without him, you did Confider i confider it before, which caufed you to take him for your mie- ry without your Husband, when you faw you could not live him. without him, but when you finde that mifery to b :e yet more, your confolation will be ftronger, you w:11 more approve your a ion of taking him, you will prize him more. Therefore, if you will bee yet neerer to C Pt n I s T, reflex often on your felves, on your owne condition, and fee what you are without him. Confider what your finnes are, how you fhould have perifhed, if you had not taken him ; how Iniftrabic you are Rill, how unable to help your felves; and the more humble you are, the poorer in fpirir, and the more greedily you will receive him, the more degrees wilibeadded to the taking of the Lord Ictus. For that is one great meanes,to teach us to prize Chril