Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The New Creature, what. Chrift, even to know our mifery. The Prodigal! fon was taught to prize his being in his Fathers houle by the extremity of want he was in, the more he felt the want of it, the more he prized it. Labour therefore to know what you are, out of Chriff,to feele the want of it, to know that you cannot fubfift, you cannot be without him. Againe, fecondly, labour more to know the vertues and the excellencies of your husband; for as they are more explicated and difcovered to you, fo you will love him more. As one that is married, themore fhe fees in her husband,the more fhe defires him,the more glad fhe is that the match is made, there is a greater de- gree of will to take her Husband. Labour to fee this beauty in Chrift,to fee what he hath done for you was he not crucified for you e 11 to ved me, faith Paul, and gave himfi f for me, he died for me. Confider all that he hath done, confider the great dowry, the riches he brings with him, all the benefits and priviledges hee brings with him, and you have by him, looke well up- on him, confider thenumber of them, and the waight of them ; thinke of all the advantages you get by him, the more you fee this, the more thofe vertues and ex- cellencies of Chrift are explicated, and unfolded, and made manifeff unto you, the more you will love him, and the nearer is the union betweene you. Thirdly,be perfwaded of his love to you, the more you are perfwaded of your husbands love, the-nearer your hearts grow to him. Thinke what it was that made Paul love the Lord Iefus fo much, it was the ftrength of his faith, he knew the Lord loved him,and that Chrift had received him. If we could but once oet 433 $EaNil 2 Labour more to s` kuOv the Verrues & "z excellen- cies of Ch s:t. Bee p r- Cyvsded of his love to you. 99