Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Ì 434 A New Creature, v)hat. Ss R.VJT ger into Parris condition, that we could fee the unfear- chable riches of Chrift,the beauties of our husband,the advantages we have by him,if we had Pauls faith to be- Iccve his love, we fhould be able todoeas he did, to reckon all as drefle and dung, we fhould prize nothing but C hrift, and we thould draw nearer to him : There - fore, labour to firengthen your faith. So did c ío_ res,ir was the fttcngth of his faith that made him cleave fo fat' to God, as he did. 4' Fourthly, get experience of him; for it was Pauls Geuespe- experience that united him nearer to Chria, the expe- 1 rience Of , rience that he had of Chrift in the mortification of his him. I lulls, in all the courtes of his miniftry,in all the difiref- fes and troubles that he paffcd thorow, he Rill had ex- petience of him, and the more experience you have of the Lord Iefus, the nearer you come to converfe with him,and the more you wil love him,and joyne to him : Strangeneffe disjoynes affe6lions, wee fay there is ftrangen ffe when men falute nor, when there is not a neare converting : Strangencflè doth diC joyne the heart. Againe, neareneflc of converting and walking with him fi om day to day, drawes us nearer to him, and intends the will of defining him to be our Hut: band. Lail of all,there isa certaine imprefïion made in the rráy5hat rpm,: of man by the Holy Ghoft, which caufeth him the Holy to draw neare to Chrift, that makes him prize him Ghoft more. As there is in the Iron a certaine natural! qua - may draw lily to follow the Loadttone 3 fo there is in the Saints thee to Chuff. towards Chrift : And if we fake a reafon why Paul and the nett of the Saints that excelled fo, were able to prize Chrift above all things, and to count all things lofre