Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

f Nets Creature, what. 435 Joffe in refpet of him, the true reafon is,it was the im. SJR.V ;I É preffion made upon their fpirits by the Holy Ghofl ; there is a certaineattra&ive vertue put into them, ena bling them to prize Chrifl above ail,and to draw neare to him ; therefore you muff know, it is the gift of the Holy Ghoft to finable us to prize him. Therefore to all the reft adde that, lecke to the Loa D that hee would worke it in your hearts, that y ou may learns to magnifie him. Thus you muff feeke to encreafr the union, to adde degrees to the will, by which you are content and refolve to match with C H x i s r , and to bee made one with him : And this is the thing that you are to bee exhorted to, not onely to know this, but to exercife it: when Paul had once tatted the fvweetneffe in Chrift, he could relith nothing elfe, hee counts all other things as droffe : So fhould we, if we had once experience of ir. Therefore we fhould learneto renue this union from day to day, and, as I Paid before, we f hould eat his fle]b, and drinke his blood every day that is, every time we revue the covenant with God, we renue the match, as it were, betweene us,we cat Chrifts flefh,and drink his bloud,He is that tread that came downe from heaven; they ate cí`Ytannah in the wilderneffe and died , but hie that ch ifl feedeth on mee, fball have life everlafling : Therefore 18eth,what Bate my flefh and drinke my bloud, that is, take mee, come to me, for eating of his flefh is nothing but to come to him, to take him,to receive him : Now, faith he,the very as of taking me is your duty,as you revue that every day,fo you take me a new,as it were, and fo there will come new flrength to you, as from bread or UPtanna, wh n you eat ir,or from fiefh and wine,when you