Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

436 SER.V I I objecá. i/I nrnI. Neeeffirie of feeding on Chrifi daily. The New Creature, what. you eat and drinke it, fo doth there from me,when you renue your eating of my flefh, and drinking of my bloud, that is, when you renue your at cf taking and receiving me. There comes new ftrength to you, that is, you (hall have new comforts and confolations, you (hall be incouraged the more, herein you draw nearer to me than before: For, as your unionwith Chrift at the firft, doth make a way for the Spirit, and caufeth it to be fhed in your hearts, fo the more this union is encreafed, the more you are filled with the Holy Ghojl : So you get new ftrength from day to day,as this union is more confirmed : It is like a new eating and drink- ing, your Peace is more abundant, and your ftrcngth is more enlarged, you are more full of joy in the Ho- ly Choi, every grace is more encreafed and ftrength- tied in you, therefore exercife this union, eat his flefh, ' and drinke his bloud every day. But, you will fay, what needs that, when we have once done, isit not enough e No, it is not enough; for there growes a diftance betweene Chrift and you from day to day, shale negled, that very omiflìon of duties, yea, though it were no finfull omiffion may caufe it. As the body is fubjeet to waffe, and needs eating and drinking that it may be repaired; So doth the foule and inner man, there is a continual) wafting of ftrength, and you mutt -eat his flefh and drink his blond every day to repaire it, that is, you muff renue the union, that grace may be ttrengthened and renued in your hearts, that thole fpi- 1 tits may be repaired, that you fpcnd every day, that 1 your very ftrength may bee renued ; you (hall find this true by experience, the more you doe this,mor! neare you