Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A New Creatue, what. you get to Chrift, the more you renue.thatmarch and make a new marriage with him, you fhall finde new ftrength comming to you, you [hall finde your hearts draw nearer to him,and further from fin,you (hall find your felves made more fpirituall, more heavenly min- ded, you (hall find your felves more flrengthned, you will be afhamed to finne, when you (land in fuch neare termes with him, there will be a fecret influence of the Spirit in your hearts. Therefore exercife this union, and, as youmutt ex- ercife it from day to day, fo know the comfort of it, and improve and husband it well. If I have Chrift for my Husband, [hall he be my Husband in vainer Shall I have him, and not make ufe of him r No, you mutt learne to make ufe of him, learne to ufe irim,as he is a Prophet, a Prieft, and a King : If you would bec more enlightned, goe to him as a Prophet, befeech him to enlighten thee, to give thee wifdome, to give thee the Spirit of Revelation,and he canny t deny thee. If thou haft committed a finne, ufe him as a Mediator, as a Pricfl ; for he is thy Husband, thou haft him for that purpofe, forger not that Chrift is a Mediatour : We fall into fin from day today; but, if weknew re- ally what it is to have Chrift an Interceffour, to have him our Prie(t, to make an attonement for our firmes every day, we fhound learne to prize him more, wee lhould be full of comfort, wee (hould doe in another manner than we doe : If thrc: be any (trong lute which thou canft not (ubdue, know that it mNftbe done by him, as a King, he mull bring it into fubje Rion, hee muff circumcife thy heart : Therefore know what is in t` H R I $ T, for all that is in him is rhine,and he is full F f 437 SBR.VII. To im- prove crit,I}s offaces.