Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

438 77ie. Nev. Creature, what. sx.R.vir of treafure When thou hall the field, what fhouldefl thou doe bu. d gge the treafure,to know what is there; when thou knowe it thou haft fuch a treafure in hinm, that bee is full of all grace;. Wilt thou goe poore, and miff rabic, and naked, and in ragges.r having fuck a full wardrobe there, why dolt not thou goe and fuze thy felfe from top to toe.:' Why daft not thou get grace of all forts to adorne and beautifie thy felfe wich. all a For all treàfures arc in him. Why doeft thougoe ftatved, ^uc,gry andthirfty; drooping all the day a If thou haft him, heF hath fadings, and fined wines, he bids thee to a Feaf ,that is,there is abundance of com. fort in him, there bee Priviledges there,.. if you con- fider of them, if you will feed on them as a man doth on meat, comforted with them, as a man refrefhed with Wine. Confider what is in Chrill,and make ufe of it, and know there is not only plenty in him,but bounty tao;in him is al fulnes,and whyis it in him ti not for his fake,but forours,tte hath filled him. fell e for us, and he is not only full, but bountiful], hee hath an even hand to difpcnce that goodndï'e I therfore make ufe of it. 3 Now the fecond part of this exhortation,I told you, chore that belongs to them thatyet are not in him,that they would want this union, let be content to take the Lord letus for their Husband; them Peek for, if The being in him be the ground of all falvation, to get it. it is motive enough to bringyou in; Now you muft know that the Lac, d offers him to you,he is expofedto In what you, -if youwilt but take him. this taking You will fay, in what con flits this taking confüts.. It conifis in there two Adis; une is a periwafion, In two Aets, that the Lo i. D is willing to come to thee to be thy Husband,