Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Ad then New Creatures. 439 Husband, to be thine : The fecond is a refolution, on Ss a.VIi thy part, to bee his, if thou can fl be content to give thy felfe up to him, to ferve him, to love him, to live no more to thy felfe, but to him altogether. Now, when we exhort men to cone in to Chrift, it may be, for the firít Aft, you will be content to be perfwaded of it, that he is willing to take you ; though there bee a difficulty in that, yet, it my be, you will goe fo far; but when you cometo the fecond, to refolve ro give up your felves to him, to be his for ever, and to ferve him him in newneffe of life: here a e: fir. mafl is a. a Rand, here men deale with God,as the r, that were invited to the Marriage,they made light of it,and went their way one to his Farme, another to his Oxen, be. So is it here with us, for themoft part, they make light when wee offer Chrift, they goe about their buf neffe, one about this vanity, another about that, they will not come in, and take him; and what (hall we fay to per- fwade men,to come in to Chrift e Indeed it is a dange. rous thing to refufe to come in. You are the men that are invited, and we are meffengers fent to invite you; every man muff apply this to himfelfe, he mutt thinke, I am the man invited; therefore 1 mutt confiderwhat anfwer to give; for you (hall finde of them that were invited and did not come, not a man of them (hall raft of the Supper,not a man of them that was invited mutt come. There were many thoufands that were never bidden, yea, many hundreds that live in the Church were never bidden to the Feaft; that is, C H R I S T was never clearly :,,ffcred to them ;but when chriji is propounded to you, (as you know he bath oft bin) this is the very bidding of you to the Supper. Takeyou F f z heed i