Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

440 The New Creature what. SER.VII. heed of refuting ; It may bee, many othersthere are that were never bidden,but when you have bin bidden, take heed, not a man of them that have bin bidden and refufed, fhall tafte of the Supper. Now you know,we are bid while wee are in this life this is the time of grace, but yet when a man refufeth this bidding at this time, or any other time, take heed left he bid you no more, he font no more to them that refuted; Let them alone, and they 'hall beflaine before me : But howfoever, our bufrneflè is to compell you to come in, that is, by ftrong arguments, by reafoning with you, by perfwa- ding you, effcdually to come in. Motives Therefore, confider thefè Motives. Mot. 1. Firít, you (hall finde refi to your foules, Come unto You mats me all yee that are weary and heavy laden,and you ¡hall find finde seat. rep , Math. r r. 2 8, 29. Refi is that which every man would have : For finne is a wearineffe to the Soule, it wearies you with the guilt of ir,with the taint and cor- ruption of it, You (hall finde refs unto your foules,that is, if you were in me once,you thould have your fins for- given you. Which David magnified inPfalm.32,r. Bleed is he whofe finne is covered. o6jel.. But you will fay, this isafmallmercy, you !ball have your fins forgiven, will this move men to come in e who cares for forgivcncffeof fins; if we fhould come and make offer to men, that they fhould bee free from croffes and troubles, that they (hall have prefent vfnfiu. benefit, and honours, and riches, that were a motive For.,íve. indeed to bring men to Chrift :' nefre makes( an Thou foole if thy fins be forgiven thee, (hall not all Y g man btef- mifèry be taken away e Is not fin the firft linke of the fed foure chaine .' The firft wheele that drawes on all thy mile- wages. ries 5