Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

And then Z' ew'Creatures. ries ; if thy fins be forgiven, all thy -miferies (hall bee fcattered, all thofe clouds (hall be difper fed : Therfore the Scripture compares fin to a Cloud : What hinders good things from thee but fin ? When a mans fins be forgiven him, he (hail have them in abundance; Roof good comfort ,faith he,Thy fins be forgiven thee :Till then, a mans heart is never filled with comfort ; but, as I faid, it is clouded with many difcomforts, forrowes and perplexities; therefore they are compared to clouds,becaufe they (hall be difperfed as clouds : when thy fins are forgiven thee, all thy life after is as a Shun. thine day,when all theclouds are fcattered : Therfore, Be of good comfort. Againe, thou haft boldneffe by it; The innocent is bold as a Lion : thou art bold with God, For thou con - me fl with boldnef e unto the Throne of Grace : and thou haft boldneffe, when thou haft to dpe with men, when trouble, and pt rfècution comes, then art thou as bold as a Lion, when thy fins are forgiven thee. Againe, when thou commeft to beare any affliáion, it is nothing when finne is forgiven; for finne is the fling of afllition, and what is the Serpent when the fling is gone Afition is nothing; death is no- thing; you fee what they were to Saint Paul, impri- fonment and death were nothing to him, becaufe the fling was taken away. In a word, thou art ablefï'ed man, if thy fins bee once taken away : David faith, Bided is he whofe Piles are forgiven. When David looked round about, and confidered who was ble(- fed, he pitched on this, Blfed is the man whofe Panne ie forgiven. If fore other had looked about him, hee would have faid, Bleed is a rich man, a man in honour F 3 and 441 SEA .vn I. In ta- king away that which is the can(': of al toile ries. z.In gidng boldnefle. 3. In ta- king the fling out of affilai on.