Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

441 i The New Creature what. SERVil. i and dignity, and credit, and that hath health, he is a ----- blefièd man. No, faith David, but he isa bleffed man whofe fins are forgiven, whole iniquities are covered, becaufe fuch a an God lets himn.felte to make bkcfl`ed ; for b(effed- nef a is the ()cape of all good things, Now, who can give that but G o n, who hath the command of all things e Can any but he cafe all things work together for thy good e And if any thing be wanting, thou art not bieffed. 4. In ma Again when thy fins be forgiven thee, God is made ours, God thine lice is reconciled to thee, for thy hone is taken away; and when God is thine, thou art a bkffed man; for he brings all good things,and he is the Buckler that kcepes off ail evil], he is a Mailer of the Creatures. Now, you know, the Mailer is he, who can rate the dogge when he fals on a Gueft or a flranger, and it is only the Mailer that can doe ir. It 4.4; that can rate any evitI and fuppreffe it ; thou hail him,thev fore thou art a bleílèd man,and thou haft hint by having thy fins forgiven thee; that is the great prornife, that he fhould fave his People from their fins, he needs fay no more; tisdr. s. a. when he faith tie f hail fave his people from their fins ; for then he laves them from all trouble and mifery in the world. Therefore this may be a great motive, it was Chrifls owne motive, when he would invite mcn to come to him, he faith, Come unto me all yet that are wea- ry.and heavy laden, and I will ea fe you : That is,thy fins, that are as an heavy burthen, thall be taken off of thee. objeef, But, you will fay, I fede no burthen of it Af,v No, but thou shalt find it aburthen, when God fhall fct every man to beare his butcher), when God Ball charge