Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Á New Creatue, ivbat. 443 charge it on thy contcience, and it is thy wifdome to SER.VII. have it taken off, though thou finde it not aburthen. I sinne,s fay, guilt is a great butthen,which will binde thee over burthen in to damnation. It is a great burthen when confcience is two e- awaked. (-pats. r. As it Againe, Corruption is a great burthen, for it wea. brings a ties a man. Sieknefíè is a wearineffe to the body ; and man under. Sin is the fame to the Soule, that fickneffe is to the bo As;t is' dy. A ficke man is weary of every thing,weary of his a Cicknerre¡ bed,of his Chamber,of his dyet,he is weary of fitting, f Deaf of fiandìng.; for he is ficke. So it is with every man that Coate. hath not his fins forgiven him, he is weary not only of the guilt,but he is weary of every thing. Put him in the bell condition, he findes no reft, and in that he is wea- ry of every thing. That which they fay of Folly, it may be more truly Paid of every wicked man,that eve- ry condition is mile table to him, he is weary of every thing, he hath no aft. Further, when thou art in Chrift, he will give reft to thy foule, that is, lire will take away the power, as well as the guilt of fin, he will heale thy fiekncf %,and then the worítcondi ion will be pleat ant, ro thee, thou wilt finde refi in a Prifi)n, thou wiV finde ref in fick.. Mk, thou wilt find reft in dea: h, c v et y coridition,yea, the worft, will be tweet uaro thee ; before, IIn the brit thou foundeft none, for the! a was a rett letnefl'e within, but when thy fins be forgiven thee, thou (halt finde ref; to thy foule. F4 THE ----