Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

44+' SERM. ,yIIZ. ,__ Artet.44444246W4414. 4**41 Titisini*****:**Sirii4i212 THE EIGHTH SERMON VPON THE ET CREATPR`E. 2 CoR. 5.17. Therefore if any man bein ChrifD let him bee a New Creature:. Illot. 2. If you bee united with him, you thal be free from all evils, & enjoy all good. O D bath planted in every man,every man feckes his owne happineffe. Two things every man would have, they would bee freed from all evil!, and enjoy all good things ; if they could finde thefe in CH _R i s r, men would be perfwaded to come in. Now we can aøìire you that both thefe you thai] find in Chrift, you (hall by him be freed from all evil!, and be comported about with mercy on every fade Firf}, i fay you (hall befreed from all evil!, for what Chria faith to all his Difciples, Luke I O. Tau fhall . treason Serpents and Scorpions, and all the power of the Enemy,