Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

vi New Creature, what. Enemy, and nothing (hat! hurt you, may be applied to all the Saints, though there be many hurtful! things in the world, yet nothing (hall hurt them. his true in deed, they may have to doe with Serpents and Scor- pions, that is, evill things may fall upon them, as weil as upon others;you fee the fame condition falsro aIl,yet it (hall not hurt them according to that in Luk. i.74. That we being delivered from oar enemies, is that, we may ferve him without feare M `rke that, you fhall "be de- livered from all your enetnies,if you will corne in,that is, there fhall not an enemy in the world be able to doe you hurt, and you fhall live without feare, that is, the great advantage you !hall have,as if he fhould fay,other men feare a thoufand things,they feare death,they feare ficknelle, they feare foie of friends and good name; but when a man is oncein Chrift, he thail be delivered from all his enemies, he (hall ferve the Lord without feare, becaufe' nothing, is able to hurt him ; for what: could hurt him.: Either it tuft be the Devill or men, or force other Creature, but none of there can hurt him Is not God the Governour of the houle; Is he not the Mafter,Is not he able to rate the Maftives from flying in the face of any of his friends that come to him, yea, hee is able to doe it, and none but the Ma- fter of the houle is able to doe it : None can keeps the Creatures from hurting of you, . but he that bath the command of all the Creatures, therefore if you will come in, nothing (hall hurt you, he is a Buckler and a ['Veld to sompa a you round about : }Ice will bee your trong &male, into which no Creature fhall be able to (hoot .an arrow. But betides this you flail have ail things elfe that you 445 TERM. VIII. Luk 1.74 Gons children freed from feare. i