Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

446 The New Creature, what. SERM. you can refire, The Lord htmfelfe¡ball be your habitati. VIlI, on,from generation togeneration, Pfál.9o.r. That is,you _ thall dwell in the Lord , and you (hail not dwell in him rfat. y °' I' for a fit , as we doe in our houfes of clay , but for e- ver,and looke what an houle doth, that doth he,he will keepe you fafe , and defend you from evil , he is an houfe chair (hail not raine thorow , and fuch an houfe he is , as will goe with you whirherfocver you goe, he is our habitation from generation to generation; what kind yea , fuch an houfe as will nor onely defend you , but of houfe refrefh you with all manner of comforts, for houles God is. are made for delight -, as well as for defence. What - loever you want, he will helpe you to; If you be ficke, he is able to heale you; if y ou be weake , he is able to flrengthen you; if hungry , to farisfie you; ever condition you are in , he is ableto furnifh you ; if you need any fervice from any Crearerein heaven or earth,hewill give command coal the aturestowait on you : In a word, every manilla comes to Chrift thall be like a Spoule, whom an husband hath placed in an houfe well pored with abundance of all things that her heart can with , and all this you flub have if you will come in. In particu- But becaufe Generalls move not fo much, we will la ,Con(- come a little to Particulars, and will inti,{ upon there two , as the onely things that can move usw come in. I. Mans Firfü, the miferies , hurts , and inconveniences you milery out are exfofed to , out of him. °f nft. z. Mans y, PP And fecondly, ha you (hall have by be- ineflê happineffe ing engrafted in him,and m fried to him. If you were to by being perfwade a woman to marry fuch a man, you know in Chrift . thefe are the two Arguments which muff winne her. If