Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The New Creature, what. 1 447 If you marry not you will be undone, you know you I SERM. are in debt, and the debts bee debts which you are VIII. not able to pay ; and, ifyou cannot pay them, you are lure to be cart into Pi iron, and to lye in that Prifon till you have paid the utmoa farthing, this is your condi- tion if you will refute. Againe, on the other fide if you will take him, you (hall have a Husband that finii make you rich, that will pay all your debts for you, and make you honourable, you (hall want nothing. If you will take an Husband whom you may love, take Chriff, for whatfoever is amiable is in him. Thefe two s confiderations will make her come in and bee Wing to marry and to take him for her Husband. And fo it is with us, if we confider what we are out of Chrift, and what we (hall have by him, it will move us to take him. You know, it moved the Prodigal! fon, hee fiw that if he lived out from his Fathers houle,he muff needs perifh, he could not get huskes to live by. Again,if he would goe home, there was bread enough, his fathers fervants living there in plenry,and thefe two moved him to refolve to come home. You will fay, what are thofe evils in particulars that ob eta` we muff needs fall into, if we come not in to Chriff, obi ea. what good íh ill we get by him e To this end, I will name fuck arguments as are ufed L,fpfu,, in Scripture for this purpof'e, for you know that the huh ieife of Chrift him(elfe, and his Apoflles was on- ly to bring men unto him, and therefore we will open If yo. be such arguments as we finde there, as brïefly as we can. lecve, You And fir'}, you have this for one maine motive to rhzll be o d d ifnot, bring wen its, Mark. 16 z 6. If you will beleeve and be be bapsizd,you'fved,if you mill not beleeve,yore'ball r6;6 be