Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

448 SERM. VIII. Mat. 3. A New Creature, vbat. be damned : Gee, faith Chrifi, into all the world, preach the Gofliell to every Creature. What flail we fay when thou haft given us commiffion r faith he, no more but this, Ce to all the world,Tell them if they will come in and united to if they will take me for their hus- band ánd Lord, they fhall be faved, ufe that fora mo. rive on the one fide, and on the other fide tell them, if they will not come in, they (hall he damned : And this you fhall find was praéifed, math. 3. lohn tels them, if you will come in and repent, you fhall have the King - dome : That is, if you will leave your fumes, if you will be married to the Lord, if you will be divorced from all other husbands, and turne from all your evil" wayes, you (ball have a kingdome, that is you flail be faved; but if you will not, what then r The vixeü laid to the root of the tree, and you (hall be cut downe. So,we fee, when the Apoftle Paul came to doe this bu- fineffe with Felix, to have brought him to Chrift, if he could, what courfe takes he he tels Him of his mi feries out of Chrift, Reafoning of Temperance, Righte- oufneff, and judgement to come; he told him what fo- bricty, and Righteouf'neffe, and Temperance was, in another manner than ever any iVlorallilt had done Now the EndiEtment being not enough without the Sentence, he addes the judgement to come. And it is, as if he had faid ; Thou fe4 ft how fhort thou art of that Temperance and Righteoufncffe, that even natural" confcience requires ofevery man,and thou mutt know, there is a judgement to come, though thou perhaps feele(t it not for the prefenr, yet there is a damnation an J wrath referved.for thee thereby (hewing the mi Eery bee was in, if he cause not home to Chri(t; and that