Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Neu, Creature, what. t 449 that is partly fecdowne, and is probable, the other SERM. was not omitted, though it be not expreffed there. VIII. And fo Peter dealt with them , c_4 72,s a. He (hewed them their mifery3and fo the Lord dea't with the Gao ter, He teacheth to fee what cafe he was in, and up- on the fight of that to enquire after falvation. As indeed the thing that brings men unto Chriff, is to make them fenfible of falvation or damnation, and when the Gao- ler came to this, to thinke of falvation, sirs what Jhall doe to be raved ? That was it that made him willing to doe any thing, whatfoever Paul appointed him to doe; for now he had a fenfe of the wrath of God ,. a fenfe of thole terrors , he began to fee the Almighty Power of God, he began to have his heart fmitten with the ap- prehenfion of Iudgement, and when he was fmitten with that he began to enquire after falvation, and his heart thus prepared with thefe two motives, the feare of falvation and damnation, he was fit to come in, then faith the Apof}le, Believe and thou(Bolt be Paved : So I fay, that is one motive , if you will not come in , you fhall be damned, if you will, you fhall be Paved. But now we have another bufineffe to make men regard thefe. One would thinke that men íhould not need much perfwaflon to tell them of damnation, that great evil] , and of falvation , to be a thing that much concernes them, bur there is that deadneffe in the heart satv,tiot, ofman, that it regards neither. Therefore, let me fay a and Dar,. word or two, to (hew that thefe two be matters of aattersaof great moment : Eta , this Salvation and Dámnation grease chiefly concernes you all, other things are but trifles in mo«,ent . rbey comparrifon thereof,becaufeSalvation and Damnation belong to belong to the Soule. It is the foule that is tobe laved,or the route. CO