Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

450 4 New Creature, what. SE1$M. to be damned. Now the foule of man is a mans owne Vlhi felfe; other things are but the out. fide, as it were, and that is the reafon that Chrift faith, What matters it, if you ,vinne the whole world, and lofe your owne fide? As if he fhould have Paid, Thy foule is thy feite; therefore to win other things and to lofe that, it is great folly The Conk what is it to fave the ¡hip and lofe the fraught To fave co be re- the fhooe, and lofe the foot, to fave the cloaths, and to prd11e, have the body dcftroied ? So,what is it to thee,to have thy body, thy eftate, and name,and all outward conve- niences right, and filch as thou wouldeft have them to be, and thy Soule that dwells within, thy Soule which is thy felfe, for thofe doe but cloath the Soule and wait on ir, when this is loft, what are all thefè ? Therefore, if there be any wifdome in the world , it is wifdome cer- tainely to regard that, and if there be any folly in the world, it is to negl;iLt that, becaufe that is all in all to a man. If newes come to a man , your friends are loft, your goods are loft, you arewronged in your name; Suppofe he had as many mefl'engers of ill tidings,as dot' had , yet when a man confiders ferioufly , this is but a rending of the cloaths, but the tearing of the fheath,but the breaking downe of the houfe,as it were,but the man is whole and fafe, as long as the foule is fafe, as long as falvation is fore; as long as a man is free from damnati- on, it is nothing: Therefore, to a wife man, that will confider things ferioufly, there is no motive to this, if you will not come in to Chrift, you fhall be damned, if you will, you ¡hall be Paved. 2. They But let me add this more,Salvation and Damnation continue continues. for ever: Take all other things, even the for ever. belt, and worft things in the world , they are foone blowne