Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

t New Creature, what. blowne over , and , as you know , of n continuance; but Salvation is a thing that abides for ever. And this I is a thing you regard much in frnaller matters; take any 1 good thing, if it will lafl but a day or two, you regard it not , but as things are ofmore durance, fo you fer a greater price on them. Why will you not mtnde this then e If you come in to Chrift , youfhallbe Paved, you (hall have eternali life. But, now comes in the o. 1 Cher, If you will not, you fhall be damned, and that re- maims for ever : Remember, faith the Wire man, the dales of darkneffe, for they are many, that is, infinite ; and this fhould worke on a man; that damnation fhail bee perpetual!. Take a man now,when he is fallen into any mifery, and fee what it is that comforts him, you (hail' finde nothing comforts a man in mifery but hope; for, if there be no hope (as we fay) the heart would breake: But, now come to this, of damnation there will bee no end, there is no hope there; when a man is in mifery, he lookes about him, and begins to thinke, Is there any evafion e If he find there is none , he begins then to thinke, yea but is there any comfort to mingle with ite No: But what kind of mifery is it a It may be by one mifery I (hall be free from another , this doth mode. rate ir, but if all kind of miferies come, that a man hath no way in the world to evade them , not any thing to mitigate them;this is that,that fwallowes up the Soule, and this over-whelmes it with griefe; and this is the ,.:ondition ofa man fubjeé} to damnation. Now, I fay -his briefe argument we are to ufe; If you will not come ,n, you (hall be damned, if you will come in, you (hall be Paved. Well , perhaps all this will not worke upon you, then we have this to fay to you, Our commron, extends 451- SERM. VIII.